Why you don’t need a business coach…

I might cause some controversy with this one…

Ok – so I said it.

You don’t NEED a business coach.

That’s not to say that you don’t need to invest in yourself, to push yourself or to grow your skills.

But I just want to make sure you realise, that investing thousands of dollars in a business coach isn’t a golden ticket to making money. It won’t solve all of your problems and it won’t instantly cure any issues.

You can do this.

You can learn what you need.

You can hold yourself accountable.

You’ve got this.

And when you invest in someone, it will be because you WANT to… not because you feel that you NEED to. Not because they’ve made you think that you can’t do it without them.

But because you want to.

Think I’m completely wrong?? That’s ok – I never claim to be right, this is simply my opinion, and I’d love to hear yours.

Share with me below – do you think I’m full of shit? Do you think I’m right?

What are you going to implement today to step up and grow your business?

28 thoughts on “Why you don’t need a business coach…”

  1. I love this! I have said what seems like a million times, “I won’t ‘sell’ you coaching. You have to want it.”

    In fact, I told a prospect yesterday, “It needs to be a ‘hell, yeah’. Otherwise, it’s a ‘no’.”

  2. Kimberley Gregg

    Thank you so much for this message! It is great to hear that we are not missing out on the “Truth” to having success in business just because we are not able or willing to spend money on a business coach. I am a health coach myself and I do understand that the information I have is out there online for free for those who are willing to find it. I also know that for those who want the extra support, the step by step guidance and encouragement, coaching can be an invaluable service

    1. Agreed completely Kimberley. Coaches can definitely play an important role. As long as people realise that they are not a magic wand, and that work is still required.

  3. Fiona Craig

    Thank you so much. I’ve built my business for free. Sure it took me away from Game Of Thrones (and other me-time sacrifices) but if you are prepared to spend the time, you can do it. I’ve also got a lot of freebies from opting into ads through Facebook. Many business coaches offer tasters. However, if you want to fast track your business, yes a coach/mentor will help you through this minefield of information and choices. I also know my growing edges. That’s sales and marketing. I can honestly say that I didn’t know what SEO or what a sales funnel was when I started my business. It’s choice. If you need the motivation and also the connection and support, then a coach/mentor is a better option.

    1. Awesome work Fiona.

      It’s true, business coaches can be amazing, but I think it’s important to recognise that people don’t HAVE to have one, and you are a great example of that ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. I love this clear Message.You can not buy success with a business coach-you are the success (if you really want it and be willing to go for it)Thanks Sam

  5. As always I love your videos. I agree with your comments on wanting, not needing. I have had a holistic health practice for over 20 years and my clients/ students that have achieved the most outstanding results are ones that chose to change their ways or follow a new path, not those who were there out of guilt or because someone told them to contact me.

    These people are also the ones that I most enjoy spending my time and energy with. It never feels like work.

    Also there are those of us that are self starters and DIY’ers and those that are not. Those that don’t know where or how to start or are not self motivated would benefit more from coaching I believe. I never did get the concept of picking a high price coach, no matter how wonderful they seem and following. I prefer to pick and choice what info I wish to retain or use and sample and implement as called.

    Oops, hope you didn’t want the Reader’s Digest condensed version of an answer! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Laila,

      I always like the long version – screw the condensed comment ๐Ÿ™‚

      I think you’re spot on with your explanation. Students who want to achieve and work with you will thrive far more than any others.

  6. Sam – you are a true gem and such an inspiration!!

    Although I didn’t complete your challenge, I did dive in, wrote some ideas for content/courses and I watched and looked forward to your video everyday:)

    Love this piece regarding business coaches. Options – that is what you have given us and I look forward to connecting with you more in the future!


    1. Thank you Shari ๐Ÿ™‚

      I’m so glad to hear that the videos help you.

      As for the challenge, the timeframe isn’t strict. Feel free to go back to the workbook and group, keep working on through, we are all here to support you.

  7. Well said Sam! I know my success will be up to me and me only. Any expertise I take from someone else will be because I WANT to save myself the time of finding the information myself.

  8. Renee Wilson

    Excellent video, Sam. Really professional. You’re a natural. I tend to agree with you. I once had a skype session with a life coach and at the end of it I felt like she didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know or couldn’t figure out myself. She wanted me to sign up for more sessions, but I decided not to go ahead with it and guide myself. Seems to be working out okay so far ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thank you so much Renee.
      I’m really glad to see it’s working out for you ๐Ÿ™‚ Coaches definitely have their time and place, but they are not always for everyone, every time.

  9. So true. I’ve tried a couple of business consultants in the past who have known less than me. And some who have led my up the wrong path, with drastic results. You are so right that people should be held accountable for themselves. We are not nanny state (yet), so everyone stop behaving like one. I’ve been featured on several podcasts including John Lee Dumas, Entrepreneur on Fire. Listening to podcasts is one of the most inspiring ways to learn. To learn from listening to the trials and tribulations of others. And it’s free. Like Sam said, as most of everything else is. Thank you Sam for putting this out there.

    1. Thanks for the comment Belinda ๐Ÿ™‚

      I copped a little hate for this one and even got banned from a Facebook group because of it ๐Ÿ˜›

      I agree though. There are great coaches, BUT not everyone needs a coach.

  10. This post of yours is just awesome! It will make the business coaches think about a hundred times of what they are doing and what they actually have to do!

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