4 Steps to getting that HUGE task done

We’ve all got one – you know the one – that HUGE task that has been on your to-do list for ever.

The one that you keep putting off, the one that never gets started… the one that you would LOVE to do, but it just seems so big and overwhelming.

For some it’s create a course, write a book, build a website or even run Facebook ads.

It doesn’t matter what the task is, what matters is that it looks so scary and HUGE, that you don’t even know where to start. You just keep pushing it down the list or re-writing it onto the next day because you just don’t know how to approach it.

Well, here are my 4 steps for getting that huge task done.

1. Set a date to have it finished by.
Go on, set an official date. Write it on you calendar, in your diary, on a bit of paper above your desk – tell your business partner, your friends or even you list. Commit to a date when you will have that task finished by.

2. Break that huge task down into tiny steps
“Write book” can be broken down into tiny little steps such as “write title” “draft outline chapter headings” “write first paragraph”. Each of these steps is much smaller and more manageable to handle.
Your list might be HUGE – when I did this for a course I was writing, I filled 4 pages with tiny steps I had to do, but each step was easy to handle.

3. Outsource where possible
Now that you can see what has to be done, it is easier to work out who has to do it. Where possible you can now outsource bits of your project to a business partner, a VA, your graphic designer or even just a tolerant partner. And if you can’t outsource any of it, at least your list is ready for you to tackle.

4. Get started
Right now!! Go on 🙂 Complete just one little task off your list, just one tiny little one to get the ball rolling.
Now that you list is in teeny tiny little chunks you should be able to smash out the tasks one at a time.

Now let me know, what is the HUGE thing that has been on your to-do list for a long time? What are you going to commit to finally getting done?

Want to be really brave? Tell us the date you’ll have it done by

– Sam

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