Excuse the terrible dancing…
Ok – so, other than the terrible dancing… what else is missing from your business?
I don’t know about you, but I went into business for lots of different reasons, one of which was to have control over my own life and my own choices, to be able to provide the life I wanted to lead not just for myself, but for my children too.
But, I was working my ass off, doing long hours, chained to my desk… where’s the fun in that?
Now, don’t get me wrong here. I’m a strong believer that if you want a successful business then you need to treat it like a business.
By that I mean, you need to have a clear plan, set goals and track your progress.
But that doesn’t mean you need to be chained to a desk or a phone from 9 – 5 (or more like from 6am til 10pm).
Your challenge today is to infuse a little fun back into your business.
When you have fun, it shows. When you love what you do and have a huge smile on your face, it shows. It shows through in your voice, in your copy and in the way you interact.
So, what are you going to do to bring fun back into your business again?
I’d love to know.
P.S – the song from the beginning is called “Hello” by OMFG – you can find it here